About Me

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I'm a person who loves stories, no matter the medium they come in. I'm the author of Dreaming in the Third Person. And I'm currently working on the sequel of The Third Person series. I'm a hobbyist web designer, video producer, and band member of Grayson. In my free time I enjoy watching documentaries, visiting museums, drinking tea, and riding roller coasters.

Dreaming in the Third Person Website

Thursday, October 13, 2011


I'm not a fan of titles. Never was. Especially the ones that actually represented something. I know that may sound funny or weird. It is.

The reason I'm thinking about this is because I'm re-writing the first book (Dreaming in the Third Person) to combine it with the sequels (Remembering in the Third Person, Living in the Third Person.) And I really need a new title for the combined novel. *It will be one novel with three parts.*

Here are some ideas that I had:
1. The Third Person (this is already taken I think)
2. In the Third Person
3. Third Person Verbs
4. Third Person Actions
5. something completely random.

So far, my favorite is the last one. Because I have nothing. Maybe that's why I'm not really liking titles right now. Because its impossible to capture the real content of something in a title. With anything really. Things just are, no matter what you call them.

Anyways, since I know someone out there has way better ideas that I do, please help me out. I would greatly appreciate it. Haha.

Peace out!
-Tim Chu

Monday, August 22, 2011

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Funny Story...

Yoo Yoooo

Sorry I haven't posted in a while... (to those three people who will read this). The Canada Road trip was freaking amazing. Lots of stories and lots of fun. I finished writing the first draft of Remembering in the Third Person while on it. Johnny Nguyen is working on cover art and Shawn Leslie is editing. I'll keep you posted as it comes together!!!
Here are some pictures:

Beach in Maine
Rain in New York
Cliff in Maine

Meanwhile, I watched a really good movie called: It's Kind of a Funny Story.
If you have ever experienced being an emo teenager or just like quirky, inspiring stories, check it out. You will not be disappointed.

Also, I'm leaving for another adventure on Tuesday.... Malaysia, here I come!!!

--Mistro Chu

Monday, May 9, 2011


Hello again,

Semester is almost over and I'm looking forward to the upcoming road trip this weekend with some buddies up the East Coast. We're planning on visiting New York City, Boston, ect. and then head up into Canada. Specifically, we're looking to backpack up in Nova Scotia.

I'm pretty psyched about it and plan to finish writing Remembering in the Third Person on the long car rides to and from our destinations. If you know of any places we should visit up North, let me know!

Also, you have to check out this band:

Tim Chu

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Classics!! --Dracula

So I've been reading many of the free classics that you can download from the Amazon Kindle store for free and just finished reading Dracula. It was probably one of the best books I've read in a long time. The author formats the book in chronological order using various letters and journal entries written by characters to form the story.

And yes, you know those cartoons that you see of Dracula with the long face, sharp fangs, mustache, and pointy fingers? All true. I thought it was hilarious when I read the vampire's description and found that it matched the cliche cartoon version of.

If you have the time, I would definitely suggest reading it! Not to mention its free to download... It is fun to read the original version that soooo many stories that have spawned from.
Just click "Free ebook collections" on the left navigation bar.

Timmy Chu

Monday, April 4, 2011

Dreaming in the Third Person for $2.99 on Kindle!

So after a lot of formatting, I finally made Dreaming in the Third Person available for kindle for only $2.99! For those with iPads, e-readers, smartphones, or even computers, you can now get the book here:

Thanks for all your support! Just finished writing Chapter 5 and I'm working on Chapter 6. I'm wondering if maybe I should put up a preview of what I've been writing... What do you think?

Monday, March 28, 2011

The Changing Publishing Industry


I'm working hard to finally make Chapter 2 of Dreaming in the Third Person available on audio book format. If you can't wait, just keep bugging me through email and I'll get it finished quicker :) Also, the second book, Remembering in the Third Person is coming along well. I should have it available around the summer. So stay tuned!

Today, I read a great blog about the evolving publishing industry. It's in the format of a conversation between two great authors--one who is self-publishing and the other who is signed with a publishing house. Here is the link:

As an author, I got a lot out of this and I'm definitely going to take a lot of these two men's advice. Let me know what you think about it!

In a while crocodile,
--Timmy Chu