About Me

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I'm a person who loves stories, no matter the medium they come in. I'm the author of Dreaming in the Third Person. And I'm currently working on the sequel of The Third Person series. I'm a hobbyist web designer, video producer, and band member of Grayson. In my free time I enjoy watching documentaries, visiting museums, drinking tea, and riding roller coasters.

Dreaming in the Third Person Website

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Funny Story...

Yoo Yoooo

Sorry I haven't posted in a while... (to those three people who will read this). The Canada Road trip was freaking amazing. Lots of stories and lots of fun. I finished writing the first draft of Remembering in the Third Person while on it. Johnny Nguyen is working on cover art and Shawn Leslie is editing. I'll keep you posted as it comes together!!!
Here are some pictures:

Beach in Maine
Rain in New York
Cliff in Maine

Meanwhile, I watched a really good movie called: It's Kind of a Funny Story.
If you have ever experienced being an emo teenager or just like quirky, inspiring stories, check it out. You will not be disappointed.

Also, I'm leaving for another adventure on Tuesday.... Malaysia, here I come!!!

--Mistro Chu

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