About Me

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I'm a person who loves stories, no matter the medium they come in. I'm the author of Dreaming in the Third Person. And I'm currently working on the sequel of The Third Person series. I'm a hobbyist web designer, video producer, and band member of Grayson. In my free time I enjoy watching documentaries, visiting museums, drinking tea, and riding roller coasters.

Dreaming in the Third Person Website

Monday, March 28, 2011

The Changing Publishing Industry


I'm working hard to finally make Chapter 2 of Dreaming in the Third Person available on audio book format. If you can't wait, just keep bugging me through email and I'll get it finished quicker :) Also, the second book, Remembering in the Third Person is coming along well. I should have it available around the summer. So stay tuned!

Today, I read a great blog about the evolving publishing industry. It's in the format of a conversation between two great authors--one who is self-publishing and the other who is signed with a publishing house. Here is the link:

As an author, I got a lot out of this and I'm definitely going to take a lot of these two men's advice. Let me know what you think about it!

In a while crocodile,
--Timmy Chu

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