About Me

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I'm a person who loves stories, no matter the medium they come in. I'm the author of Dreaming in the Third Person. And I'm currently working on the sequel of The Third Person series. I'm a hobbyist web designer, video producer, and band member of Grayson. In my free time I enjoy watching documentaries, visiting museums, drinking tea, and riding roller coasters.

Dreaming in the Third Person Website

Thursday, October 13, 2011


I'm not a fan of titles. Never was. Especially the ones that actually represented something. I know that may sound funny or weird. It is.

The reason I'm thinking about this is because I'm re-writing the first book (Dreaming in the Third Person) to combine it with the sequels (Remembering in the Third Person, Living in the Third Person.) And I really need a new title for the combined novel. *It will be one novel with three parts.*

Here are some ideas that I had:
1. The Third Person (this is already taken I think)
2. In the Third Person
3. Third Person Verbs
4. Third Person Actions
5. something completely random.

So far, my favorite is the last one. Because I have nothing. Maybe that's why I'm not really liking titles right now. Because its impossible to capture the real content of something in a title. With anything really. Things just are, no matter what you call them.

Anyways, since I know someone out there has way better ideas that I do, please help me out. I would greatly appreciate it. Haha.

Peace out!
-Tim Chu